Federal Lawsuit Filed Against California Congress Members Over Military Aid to Israel

A group called Taxpayers Against Genocide has filed a federal lawsuit against two California Congress members, Jared Huffman and Mike Thompson, over their votes supporting military aid to Israel. Over 500 people, including residents from at least six Northern California counties, have joined the lawsuit.

One of the plaintiffs, Tarik Kanaana, a Palestinian-American from Thompson’s district, said that by voting to send money and weapons to Israel, the representatives made him feel responsible for the deaths of his own people.

In response, a spokesperson for Representative Thompson said lawsuits wouldn’t help achieve peace or protect civilians.

The plaintiffs’ attorney, Dean Royer, argues that the two representatives violated U.S. and international law by voting for a $26 billion military aid package in April.

The International Court of Justice recently said Israel’s actions could be considered genocide.

The plaintiffs are asking the court to stop the representatives from voting for more military aid to Israel. Huffman declined to comment on the lawsuit.

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