Kyle Rittenhouse to Release Book Following Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s Memoir

Republicans are vying for the bestseller title with their upcoming books. On November 21, Georgia’s outspoken and controversial Republican Congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, will release her new book ‘MTG’, which she first announced in September.

The book has garnered mixed reviews from journalists and commentators. Laura Loomer, a vocal Trump supporter and journalist, has dismissed the book as trash. Despite the early criticism, Taylor-Greene seems determined to profit from an unfiltered account of her political life. There are even speculations that she believes her tell-all biography will secure her position as Donald Trump’s running mate.

In light of Taylor-Greene’s aspirations, it was announced on November 19 that Kyle Rittenhouse, a controversial figure on the far-right fringes of American politics, is also entering the book publishing scene.

Rittenhouse, who was acquitted of shooting charges, is likely motivated by the prospect of raising funds as he strives to establish his relevance among MAGA Republicans. The proceeds from his book may also be used to fund his defense in ongoing legal challenges.

The chances of books by Taylor-Greene and Rittenhouse topping the bestseller lists may be slim given their niche audience. However, this could change the dynamics between them.

Taylor-Greene has been a strong supporter of Rittenhouse, who was controversially acquitted after shooting two protesters in Wisconsin in self-defense. She had previously urged her Twitter followers to donate to Rittenhouse’s defense fund when he was sued following his acquittal.

After the court’s verdict, she proposed a bill to award Rittenhouse a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honor of Congress. However, the bill did not advance.

Rittenhouse had earlier appealed for the reinstatement of Taylor-Greene’s personal Twitter account after she was banned for spreading misinformation and making hateful remarks. Their friendship could be tested as they compete for book sales.

While Rittenhouse’s book is only available for pre-release, Taylor-Greene’s book has already been reviewed by journalists. It is suggested that the book echoes her social media feuds and attacks on her adversaries. It remains to be seen if there will be any new revelations.

As for which book will sell more copies, it’s anyone’s guess!


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