The Story Behind This Haunted Cemetery in Oregon is Terrifying

Oregon is a state with a rich and diverse history, but also a dark and sinister side. Among the many haunted places in Oregon, one stands out as particularly terrifying: the Lafayette Pioneer Cemetery. This cemetery, located in the small town of Lafayette, is said to be cursed by a vengeful witch who was hanged there in the late 1800s. Here is the story behind this haunted cemetery and why you should avoid it at all costs.

The Hanging of the Witch

According to legend, the Lafayette Pioneer Cemetery is haunted by a woman who lost her life after being accused of being a witch. Apparently she wasn’t too happy about this, and stuck around to haunt the cemetery and the people of Lafayette. The witch part of the equation has since been debunked, but the clarification is just as gruesome.

A convicted ax murderer named Richard Marple was hanged near the jail in 1887. His daughter, Anna Marple, was accused of being his accomplice and a witch, and was also sentenced to death. However, she escaped from jail and fled to the cemetery, where she was captured and hanged from a tree. Before she died, she allegedly cursed the town and the cemetery, saying that they would burn to the ground three times.

The Curse of the Cemetery

Whether Anna Marple was a witch or not, her curse seems to have come true. Lafayette has burned down three times since her hanging, the last time in 1946. The cemetery itself has also suffered from vandalism, neglect, and erosion over the years. Many of the graves are unmarked, damaged, or missing.

Only one marked grave remains, that of Ah Lee, a Chinese immigrant who died in 1883. The cemetery is now closed to the public and surrounded by a chain-link fence. However, that has not stopped curious visitors and ghost hunters from trespassing and experiencing paranormal activity.

The Haunting of the Cemetery

The Lafayette Pioneer Cemetery is one of the most notoriously haunted cemeteries in Oregon, and a favorite among ghost hunters. Visitors to this cemetery report all kinds of strange occurrences, such as hearing voices, screams, laughter, and footsteps; seeing orbs, shadows, mists, and apparitions; feeling cold spots, touches, and scratches; and smelling rotten eggs, sulfur, and decay.

Some of the most common sightings are of a woman in a white dress, believed to be Anna Marple, and a man in a black suit, believed to be Richard Marple. They are said to roam the cemetery, especially near the tree where they were hanged, and sometimes chase away intruders. Other spirits that have been reported include children, Native Americans, Chinese laborers, and pioneers.

The Conclusion

The Lafayette Pioneer Cemetery is a place of horror and mystery, where the dead do not rest in peace. The story behind this haunted cemetery is terrifying, and so are the experiences of those who dare to visit it. If you are looking for a thrill, you might be tempted to explore this cemetery, but be warned: you might encounter more than you bargained for.

The cemetery is closed to the public and trespassing is illegal. Moreover, you might anger the spirits that dwell there, especially the vengeful witch who cursed the place. It is better to stay away from this haunted cemetery and respect the dead. You never know what might happen if you disturb them.

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